yoyorog2022-04-07 20:51:45
yoyorog, 2022-04-07 20:51:45

Telebot How to replace text on photo?

Help friends, there is such a piece of code where I enter the text (Product) and in the case of a purchase (product), the text is sent to the buyer.
It is necessary to replace the text with the photo
That is, I send a photo, and in the case of a purchase, a photo is sent to the buyer

Thank you!

# Accepting product data

@dp.message_handler(IsAdmin(), state=StorageItems.here_add_items)
async def input_item_data(message: types.Message, state: FSMContext):
    delete_msg = await message.answer("<b>⌛ Ждите, товары добавляются...</b>")
    count_add = 0
    get_all_items = message.text.split("\n\n")
    for check_item in get_all_items:
        if not check_item.isspace() and check_item != "":
            count_add += 1
    async with state.proxy() as data:
        category_id = data["here_cache_add_item_category_id"]
        position_id = data["here_cache_add_item_position_id"]
        data["here_count_add_items"] += count_add
    add_itemx(category_id, position_id, get_all_items, message.from_user.id,
    await bot.delete_message(message.from_user.id, delete_msg.message_id)
    await message.answer(f"<b> Товары в кол-ве</b> <u>{count_add}шт</u> <b>были успешно добавлены ✅</b>")

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1 answer(s)
Leonid, 2022-04-09

aiogram documentation: answer_photo

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