krinbin2019-02-25 14:15:24
krinbin, 2019-02-25 14:15:24

SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal error in Yandex.Turbo Python script, how to fix?

I'm trying to add a turbo page through a script from Yandex, but I'm catching an error.

File "turbo.py", line 14
    <rss version="2.0" xmlns:yandex="http://news.yandex.ru" xmlns:turbo="http://turbo.yandex.ru">
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal

Here is the script itself, and here is the description from Yandex .
# coding=utf-8

import json
import pprint
import time
from urlparse import urlparse

import requests
from requests import HTTPError

HOST_ADDRESS = 'https://example.com'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:yandex="http://news.yandex.ru" xmlns:turbo="http://turbo.yandex.ru">
    <item turbo="true">
      <title>Заголовок страницы</title>
            <h1>Ресторан «Полезный завтрак»</h1>
            <h2>Вкусно и полезно</h2>
              <img src="https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-sbs-sd/403988/e6f459c3-8ada-44bf-a6c9-dbceb60f3757/orig">
              <a href="https://example.com/page1.html">Пункт меню 1</a>
              <a href="https://example.com/page2.html">Пункт меню 2</a>
      	  <p>Как хорошо начать день? Вкусно и полезно позавтракать!</p>
          <p>Приходите к нам на завтрак. Фотографии наших блюд ищите <a href="#">на нашем сайте</a>.</p>
            <img src="https://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-sbs-sd/369181/49e3683c-ef58-4067-91f9-786222aa0e65/orig">
            <figcaption>Омлет с травами</figcaption>
          <p>В нашем меню всегда есть свежие, вкусные и полезные блюда.</p>
          <p>Убедитесь в этом сами.</p>
          <button formaction="tel:+7(123)456-78-90"
            data-primary="true">Заказать столик</button>
          <div data-block="widget-feedback" data-stick="false">
            <div data-block="chat" data-type="whatsapp" data-url="https://whatsapp.com"></div>
            <div data-block="chat" data-type="telegram" data-url="http://telegram.com/"></div>
            <div data-block="chat" data-type="vkontakte" data-url="https://vk.com/"></div>
            <div data-block="chat" data-type="facebook" data-url="https://facebook.com"></div>
            <div data-block="chat" data-type="viber" data-url="https://viber.com"></div>
          <p>Наш адрес: <a href="#">Nullam dolor massa, porta a nulla in, ultricies vehicula arcu.</a></p>
          <p>Фотографии — http://unsplash.com</p>

OAUTH_TOKEN = 'OAuth-токен'
    'Authorization': 'OAuth %s' % OAUTH_TOKEN

SESSION = requests.Session()

API_BASE_URL = 'https://api.webmaster.yandex.net'

def validate_api_response(response, required_key_name=None):
    content_type = response.headers['Content-Type']
    content = json.loads(response.text) if 'application/json' in content_type else None

    if response.status_code == 200:
        if required_key_name and required_key_name not in content:
            raise HTTPError('Unexpected API response. Missing required key: %s' % required_key_name, response=response)
    elif content and 'error_message' in content:
        raise HTTPError('Error API response. Error message: %s' % content['error_message'], response=response)

    return content

def url_to_host_id(url):
    parsed_url = urlparse(url)

    scheme = parsed_url.scheme
    if not scheme:
        raise ValueError('No protocol (https or http) in url')

    if scheme != 'http' and scheme != 'https':
        raise ValueError('Illegal protocol: %s' % scheme)

    port = parsed_url.port
    if not port:
        port = 80 if scheme == 'http' else 443

    hostname = parsed_url.hostname
    hostname = hostname.encode('idna').rstrip('.').lower()

    return scheme + ':' + hostname + ':' + str(port)

def get_user_id():
    r = SESSION.get(API_URL + '/user/')
    c = validate_api_response(r, 'user_id')

    return c['user_id']

def get_user_host_ids(user_id):
    path = '/user/{user_id}/hosts'.format(user_id=user_id)
    r = SESSION.get(API_URL + path)
    c = validate_api_response(r, 'hosts')

    host_ids = [host_info['host_id'] for host_info in c['hosts']]

    return host_ids

def is_user_host_id(user_id, host_id):
    host_ids = get_user_host_ids(user_id)

    return host_id in host_ids

def get_rss_upload_path(user_id, host_id):
    path = '/user/{user_id}/hosts/{host_id}/turbo/uploadAddress/?mode={mode}'.format(
        user_id=user_id, host_id=host_id, mode='DEBUG')

    r = SESSION.get(API_URL + path)
    c = validate_api_response(r, 'upload_address')

    parsed_url = c['upload_address']

    return parsed_url

def upload_rss(upload_path, rss_data):
    headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/rss+xml'

    r = SESSION.post(url=upload_path, data=rss_data, headers=headers)
    c = validate_api_response(r, 'task_id')

    return c['task_id']

def get_task_info(user_id, host_id, task_id):
    path = '/user/{user_id}/hosts/{host_id}/turbo/tasks/{task_id}'.format(
        user_id=user_id, host_id=host_id, task_id=task_id)

    r = SESSION.get(API_URL + path)
    c = validate_api_response(r)

    return c

def retry_call_until(func, predicate, max_tries=5, initial_delay=60, backoff=2):
    current_delay = initial_delay

    ret_val = None
    for n_try in xrange(0, max_tries + 1):
        ret_val = func()
        if predicate(ret_val):

        print 'Will retry. Sleeping for %ds' % current_delay
        current_delay *= backoff

    return ret_val

user_id = get_user_id()
host_id = url_to_host_id(HOST_ADDRESS)
upload_path = get_rss_upload_path(user_id, host_id)
task_id = upload_rss(upload_path, RSS_STRING)

print 'Waiting for the upload task to complete. This will take a while...'
task_info = retry_call_until(
    func=lambda: get_task_info(user_id, host_id, task_id),
    predicate=lambda task_info: task_info['load_status'] != 'PROCESSING')

print 'Task status: %s' % task_info['load_status']
task_info = get_task_info(user_id, host_id, task_id)
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

Yandex support is silent. contacted them first)

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