ak_wi2019-10-09 16:00:26
ak_wi, 2019-10-09 16:00:26

symfony. How to set the current value in a form?

The client entity has a managerId property. Because the Customer entity is serializable, it is not possible to use a relationship with a Manager object that has image and file properties.

     * @ORM\Column(type="integer", nullable=true)
    private $managerId;

In the client editing form, there is the following field, which correctly saves the manager's id in acc. client field.
->add('managerId', EntityType::class, [
                'class' => Manager::class,
                'mapped' => false,
                'label' => 'Личный менеджер',
                'choice_label' => 'name',
                'choice_value' => function (Manager $entity = null) {
                    return $entity ? $entity->getId() : '';
                'required' => false,
                'multiple' => false,
                'expanded' => false,
                'query_builder' => function (EntityRepository $repo) {
                    return $repo->createQueryBuilder('s')
                        ->andWhere('s.status = :val')
                        ->setParameter(':val', Manager::STATUS_VISIBLE)
                        ->orderBy('s.name', 'ASC');

The question is how to display the already selected manager from the client in this field in the editing form?

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