Alisher Aidarkhan2019-05-17 09:18:39
Alisher Aidarkhan, 2019-05-17 09:18:39

Swift/Java vs React Native. What is the difference and where is it better to look?

Good afternoon toasters!
I'll start developing one idea soon. Project for mobile platforms. I myself am a web developer and in mobile development I am completely 0.
Project description:
By architecture, the application is like an online store. There will be goods, a catalog of goods, prices, a basket, an order for goods, an application, and so on. In the future there will be online payment. Android and IOS platforms. The essence of the question is which of the technologies to use for development and why?

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2 answer(s)
Roman Alexandrovich, 2019-05-17

Good afternoon. I have 2 years experience in react native development. Its biggest plus is development speed (you don't need to search for 2 developers for android and ios). You write code for two platforms at once, thus rolling out the application to the market in a very short time. But it also has disadvantages - its performance will be inferior to a native application written in Swift / Java. In practice, it happened a couple of times that the customer quickly rolled out the application to the market. Then he is not satisfied with the performance and the application is rewritten under Swift / Java.

george3, 2019-05-26

All that Swift/Java , React Native/Angular/.., C#/Xamarin is outdated and going to the woods the day Google released Flutter 1.5. one code for mobile/web/desktop.

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