im_noob2021-12-09 17:45:05
C++ / C#
im_noob, 2021-12-09 17:45:05

Swears at SelectedIndex. Where to find "SelectedIndexChanged" property for ToolStripMenuItem?

Can't find SelectedIndexChanged property. Swears at SelectedIndex


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace WindowsFormsApp3
    public partial class Form2 : Form
        public Form2()
            Point p = new Point(0, menuStrip1.Height);
            dataGridView1.Location = p;
            dataGridView1.Width = ClientSize.Width;
            dataGridView1.Height = ClientSize.Height - menuStrip1.Height;
        public Form2(double start, double finish, int step_count)
            double step = (finish - start) / step_count;
            Point p = new Point(0, menuStrip1.Height);
            dataGridView1.Location = p;
            dataGridView1.Width = ClientSize.Width;
            dataGridView1.Height = ClientSize.Height - menuStrip1.Height;
            for (int i = 0; i < step_count; i++)
                dataGridView1.Rows.Add(start, Math.Sinh(start));
                start += step;
            Font font = new Font("Arial", 14, FontStyle.Bold);
            dataGridView1.Font = font;
        private void границыToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void видToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void границыToolStripMenuItem_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            switch (границыToolStripMenuItem.SelectedIndex) //ошибка
                case 0: dataGridView1.GridColor = Color.Black; break;
                case 1: dataGridView1.GridColor = Color.Red; break;
                case 2: dataGridView1.GridColor = Color.Blue; break;
                case 3: dataGridView1.GridColor = Color.Yellow; break;
        private void выбратьЦветToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            switch (выбратьЦветToolStripMenuItem.SelectedIndex) //ошибка
                case 0: dataGridView1.ForeColor = Color.Black; break;
                case 1: dataGridView1.ForeColor = Color.Red; break;
                case 2: dataGridView1.ForeColor = Color.Blue; break;
                case 3: dataGridView1.ForeColor = Color.Yellow; break;

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im_noob, 2021-12-09


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