niosus2012-10-04 01:56:48
niosus, 2012-10-04 01:56:48

Stupid and very general question about programming?

Good afternoon, those who are not afraid of the title.
I'm 22, I'm studying in Germany, here I work at 2 jobs at the university. I am mainly engaged in robotics, which means that most of the time I do interesting mathematics + relatively simple programming + when I am very unlucky, some kind of dull and hard cross-compiling.
The problem is this.
I, once, even before moving, worked in a desk, where I wrote under Android, basically. Then my level was good if junior, and now I don't remember anything at all.
Recently I decided to write an application that I would need myself. And I realized that, firstly, a lot of things have changed in the SDK, and secondly, no matter how I fight, I can neither come up with a good architecture, nor actually implement at least something that would work and that I could look at without tears . First
And so in everything that concerns programming a little more complicated than creating a couple of classes, solely to create some kind of custom type needed for the convenience of subsequent mathematical calculations or to use a simple API of some project like OpenCV.
Help advice.
- maybe there are some good books (preferably in the public domain) that put the brain in the right place. Especially in building a large application from scratch. Because in this I am precisely this very, above-named zero.
Second , share your experience of achieving high programming skills.
Third , is it too early to panic?
Fourth , is it too late to panic?
Thanks in advance.
Maybe someone will find the question stupid - so this is probably because it is so, but I would like to hear at least a couple of opinions. Also, I understand that for a question that is too general, most of the answers will be too general.

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5 answer(s)
anitspam, 2012-10-04

This is where the analogy with driving comes in handy.
1. Big app (good driving) starts with small apps (not so good driving).
2. programming-motherfucker.com and Russian equivalent.
3.4. no
, and there will be experience that will give an understanding of what exactly needs to be studied in terms of theory.

egorinsk, 2012-10-04

They say there is a book called Perfect Code, but I haven't read it. Also, they say, to begin with, it is enough to learn principles like DRY and KISS, the correct naming of methods and classes, and the code will already become quite good.

Andrew, 2012-10-04

In addition to reading the books recommended above, I can recommend trying to figure out the source codes of several open source projects on your own, of which there are enough on the network, for example, on github. In addition, there are many good articles on the net, where certain tasks of designing the application architecture are solved and good techniques for writing programs are given both on Habré and on the same IBM developer works.

cdev, 2012-10-05

There is no such thing as a good architecture :)
There are those that work at the moment and those that don't.
Usually the first version is made - its example shows what is bad. This is a prototype.
It is thrown away and a new one is written from scratch, taking into account the errors of the previous one.
Try - experience is the sum of trials and errors.

Vladimir Chernyshev, 2012-10-04

Tip: Look for ways to get feedback on your code, up to and including paying for Code Review. Just choose your "guru" more carefully.

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