foggus2020-12-02 23:30:11
foggus, 2020-12-02 23:30:11

Steam authorization issue on laravel site?

Hello, I have been suffering for a long time with an incomprehensible authorization problem on the site.
The site on laravel, php, js, I don’t know what the problem is during authorization, it gives out:

Although the authorizer himself redacted more than once, vendor fixes from the Internet did not help.
Here is the authorization controller:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Invisnik\LaravelSteamAuth\SteamAuth;
use App\User;
use Auth;

class AuthController extends Controller
     * @var SteamAuth
    private $steam;

    public function __construct(SteamAuth $steam)
        $this->steam = $steam;

    public function login()
        if ($this->steam->validate()) {
            $info = $this->steam->getUserInfo();
            if (!is_null($info)) {
                $info->personaname = secureoutput($info->personaname);
                $api_url =  "http://api.steampowered.com/IPlayerService/GetOwnedGames/v0001/?key=8B3C1B487B706DBB8B1042AE490A6C31&steamid=$info->steamID&format=json";
                $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($api_url), true);
                if (!is_null($info)){
          $csgo = 'false';
          $owned = 0;
          $wallet = 100;					
          foreach($json['response'] as $resp => $game_count)
                        if($game_count == 0){
                            $csgo = 'false';
              $owned = 0;
                        } else {
              $owned = 1;
          if($owned == 1) { 
                    foreach($json['response']['games'] as $games => $appid)
                        if($appid['appid'] == 730){
                            $csgo = 'true';
                    $user = User::where('steamid', $info->steamID64)->first();
                    if (is_null($user)) {
                        $user = User::create([
                            'username' => $info->personaname,
                            'avatar'   => $info->avatarfull,
                            'steamid'  => $info->steamID64,
                            'wallet'  => $wallet,
                            'csgo' => $csgo
                    } else {
                        $user->update(array('username' => $info->personaname,'avatar' => $info->avatarfull,'wallet' => '100','csgo' => $csgo));
                    Auth::login($user, true);
                    return redirect('/games'); // redirect to site
        return $this->steam->redirect(); // redirect to Steam login page

    public function logout()
    	return redirect('/'); // redirect to site

function secureoutput($string)
    $string=str_replace('>', '', $string);
    $string=str_replace('<', '', $string);
    return $string;

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