DragoN DragoN2016-11-06 06:54:18
DragoN DragoN, 2016-11-06 06:54:18

Statistics for the site, Cash?

I am recording block data on the site, i.e. with each update of the data +1 to a certain block, so I will find out the number of views of a certain block (exaggerating). To calculate this, I am using NoSQL mongodb. From these statistics, I find out all and unique views per day. Once a day, I transfer the summarized data to another (permanent) collection and clear it from yesterday's records. Before that, I tried to use MySQL, but it is too slow for inserts
1. Tell me, is it correct to use mongo for such statistical data?
2. Perhaps there are some services for this that provide data through the API and is it worth using them in terms of performance?
3. How to read data if the site is cached (JavaScript only)?

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2 answer(s)
Alexey Cheremisin, 2016-11-06

Redis to the rescue! https://redislabs.com/ebook/redis-in-action/part-2...
I also want to advise you to look in the direction of influxdb, as the storage of your counters, you can display it through grafana.

Фади Хадж, 2017-02-15

Попробуйте для решения ваших задач использовать Couchbase.

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