Watch_dog25072015-01-07 23:38:14
Watch_dog2507, 2015-01-07 23:38:14

Started learning android studio, what's the best way?

I just started studying android studio, in the future I plan to do serious development of large applications. I have little experience, I have basic knowledge of OOP in java and ... everything, but I want to do it. I found a good site, everything is explained very simply: developer.alexanderklimov.ru/android
Could you comment? is this a good tutorial? Or should I refer to books?

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4 answer(s)
Denis Afonin, 2015-01-08

There are also good video tutorials on YouTube, the Devcolibri channel, they explain everything using the example of AS

IceJOKER, 2015-01-07

startandroid.ru - use it too, they are just releasing new lessons for android studio.
Books are best read after a couple of simple applications, the best means of learning is practice, because during practice there are a lot of questions that you look for answers on Google and stumble upon interesting recommendations, etc.
In general, practice is the best means of learning any programming language, a little theory - practice, a little more theory - practice, and so on.
And when you reach a good level, you can go deeper by reading books and noticing the subtleties

Oleg Gamega, 2015-01-08

android studio is just a development environment, on which it is not important to write
developer.alexanderklimov.ru/android is not a bad resource, although there are a lot of stolen materials without links to the original resources
of startandroid.ru to start with what you need, although the examples make you want to tear off
vogella's hands alone from the best resources known to me

Fedya Shlyapkin, 2015-01-08

developer.android.com if knowledge of English allows

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