Moor2015-01-20 13:12:48
Digital certificates
Moor, 2015-01-20 13:12:48

SSL certificate(s) for a site with subdomains and aliases - how to organize it correctly?

Friends, instruct the lad to let the true one.
There is a corporate site domain.com with aliases domain.co.uk, domain.de and a couple more. It is planned to pull out the store into the subdomain - it goes without saying that it will be shop.domain.com, shop.domain.co.uk, etc.
What is the best way to get certificates for this? Wildcards only work for one domain with subdomains like. And multidomain extend to subdomains? Variants like Rapid do not interest, normal certificates are necessary.

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4 answer(s)
Pavel Karpacho, 2015-02-05

It is clear from the domain names that there can be no talk of any redirects.
Residents of the UK should see that they are on their site, residents of Germany should see what is on theirs. Like NiKO2On, I would advise protecting only the shop subdomains (in your case, it turns out 3 pcs.). I would take a separate certificate for each (spend a little more time, but the cost will come out much cheaper)
Someone might think that this is not comme il faut, but even if you look at the websites of well-known banks, it is clearly visible that only the online banking domain is protected and not the entire site.
PositiveSSL can be bought at ISPsystem - from 743 rubles/year

Eugene, 2015-01-20

I would take a wildcard, and make redirects from aliases.
What are these aliases for?

Alexander Bagirov, 2015-01-20

You can try using the CloudFlare CDN service , they have a free plan. When a domain is attached, they begin to pass it through their servers and optimize the content, and also issue a wildcard SSL certificate for it by default (for free). You can bind all three domains there, configure them with https by default, and, in fact, use it.

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