web_dev2016-04-12 17:52:30
web_dev, 2016-04-12 17:52:30

Spring CompositeCacheManager of two modules dep.jar and appl.war?

Hello. I have the following situation.
When there is more than one manager in org.springframework.cache.support.CompositeCacheManager, the cache stops working. There is no error, but just empty objects are returned on any request.
If I have only classManager in CompositeCacheManager, then both the application and the cache work, but only for the classManager.
There is dependencyEE.jar in which the cache is defined.


<bean id="eManager" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheCacheManager"
    p:cache-manager-ref="eCache" />

<bean id="eCache"
    p:cacheManagerName="${service.name}.En" p:acceptExisting="false" p:shared="true"/>

There is an application.war which also defines a cache and a cache manager that takes the manager from war and jar.
For example, you can see it from javamelody, but it doesn't work. I just get empty objects back. How to fix? I've been trying for two days now
<cache:annotation-driven cache-manager="cacheManager"/>
<bean id="classManager" class="org.springframework.cache.ehcache.EhCacheCacheManager"
    p:cache-manager-ref="classCache" />

<bean id="classCache"
    p:config-location="classpath:ehcache.xml" p:cacheManagerName="${service.name}.Class"
    p:acceptExisting="false" />

<bean id="cacheManager" class="org.springframework.cache.support.CompositeCacheManager">
    <property name="cacheManagers">
            <ref bean="classManager" />
            <ref bean="eManager" /> 
    <property name="fallbackToNoOpCache" value="true" />

annotation.spring.codesolution.site/79749-3446-usi... - Tried variations but to no avail...
Where is my mistake? Thanks for the hints.

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