web_dev2017-01-12 14:36:50
web_dev, 2017-01-12 14:36:50

Spring Boot rebuild and restart after commit?

I didn’t “googling” “impudently”, can someone tell me how to make this process the fastest and easiest?
Nothing special. 2 people are working on one SpringBoot project. There is a virtual machine on the Internet where this project runs along with the database.
I would like SpringBoot to monitor the repository, and as soon as a new commit appears there, do a pull, rebuild itself and restart.
Is it possible to do this somehow without third-party utilities?
If so, how? Tell me where to watch / read.
If not, what will be the fastest way, jenkins for this and so on the server does not want to be installed. Handles copy each time too ..
Thank you.

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2 answer(s)
Victor Alenkov, 2017-01-12

0) (if not Gradle) pull changes and rebuild by cron, and enable devtools support for Spring Boot
1) (if Gradle) pull by cron, run gradle build with the continuous parameter , enable devtools support for Spring Boot

Eugene, 2017-01-12

There are no built-in mechanisms, and cannot be, because SpringBoot is not designed for this. If you do not want to install your own jenkins, you can try online solutions, since there are thousands of them.
Here is a small list of CI services that support GitHub. Almost all provide free rates in one way or another.

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