Dmitry Fondomakin2018-07-18 16:22:21
Dmitry Fondomakin, 2018-07-18 16:22:21

SOLVED [SQLite] INSERT is blocking the database, how can I solve this issue?

, I have a strange situation. Normal SQLite DB. The insert worked fine. Five days ago, an incomprehensible trend appeared - after rebooting the PC, the database allows you to make 1-2 inserts, after which any attempts lead to the "DB is locked" error.

public static void ExecuteSqlTransaction(string Zapros)
            string dbFileName = @"res\db\def.db";
            using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + dbFileName + ";mode=Exclusive;datetimeformat=CurrentCulture"))

                //string Zapros = "insert into Def_LMSZ (guid, id_anketa, guid_msz) " +
                //    "values ('" + new_guid + "','" + Perem.id_anketa + "','" + guid_LMSZ + "')";
                // где new_guid - новый гуид
                //     Perem.id_anketa - номер
                //     guid_LMSZ - гуид из другой таблицы

                using (SQLiteTransaction dbTrans = connection.BeginTransaction())
                    using (SQLiteCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.CommandText = Zapros;
                        MessageBox.Show("Жопа какая то!");

Already tried on everyone, MSDN rummaged all. Cyberforum - similarly. There are not so many solutions on Google on this issue. Tried with transactions. Tried with a common single connection for the entire project. Reinstalled the SQLite driver. Recreated a DB and separate tables.
Moreover, through the shell, this request (INSERT) is executed without problems and any unlimited number of times, without a noticeable database lock (a few milliseconds, as it should be).
Request one. There are no cycles.
I already have thoughts too. Help...

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry Fondomakin, 2018-07-20

I was helped to resolve the issue on the Cyber ​​forum.
I don't understand how, because I had the same class logically. It was called differently, and the construction of queries was closer to MSDN recommendations, but the fact remains - the code in the answer works, mine does not.
And an addition to the answer, instead of:

public static Close()

must read:
public static void Close()

Obvious typo, but suddenly someone will copy. )
Just in case, I post the correct code example:
class Database
        const string dbFileName = @"res\db\def.db";
        private static SQLiteConnection connection;
        static Database()
            connection = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + dbFileName + ";mode=Exclusive;datetimeformat=CurrentCulture");
        public static void Close()
        // можно также добавить методы для получения данных при необходимости...
        public static void ExecuteSqlTransaction(string query)
            using (SQLiteTransaction dbTrans = connection.BeginTransaction())
                using (SQLiteCommand cmd = connection.CreateCommand())
                    cmd.CommandText = query;
                    MessageBox.Show("Незадача какая то!");

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