yuriyt2017-10-05 18:42:01
yuriyt, 2017-10-05 18:42:01

Social network -SPA?

Hello! I want to make a social network with basic functions - a wall of messages with comments, friends, groups, search, chat between users. I will use Laravel for the backend. Does it make sense to use Angular instead of JQuery for the front-end with a multi-page site and what will it give? Is it possible to implement a social network as a Single Page Application and use Laravel to write an API for it? Why is it better than a multi-page site?

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3 answer(s)
Ptolemy_master, 2017-10-05

Angular can be used for both single-page and multi-page websites. This makes it possible to work more with the data model than directly with DOM elements.
Keep in mind, however, that if you want your site to be indexed by search engines, then SPA is most likely not suitable, since search engines do not know how to run and process scripts on pages.

Dmitry Kuznetsov, 2017-10-05

1. For frontend, you can use any js framework - Angular, React and VUE (these are the most famous, I have not seen the rest). Yes, and in jQuery SPA, if it is possible to implement, it is very difficult.
2. Of course, you can implement it, but is it worth it? You can simply make separate pages (my page, music, messages, etc.), and then use the js framework to work with data.
3. To the API account. The API, if you have already chosen Laravel as a backend, can be implemented. According to the idea, for the frontend it doesn’t matter what the API is based on, the main thing is to implement it correctly.
4. I don’t really know SPA, but I’ll tell you how I think ... SPA is worth using if you want to stand out, and it will be more convenient for the user than reloading the page. As they say - it's your business, you develop and you decide.

Anton Anton, 2017-10-05

vk and other one-eyed people with Facebook are already spa. Otherwise, how does music playback work when navigating through pages?

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