svetai2019-11-06 07:17:48
svetai, 2019-11-06 07:17:48

Slider 1C-Bitrix - how to add transition buttons?

The 1C-Bitrix website has a slider implemented through the news.list component. Transition between slides is carried out automatically.
Component template code ./components/bitrix/news.list/slider/template.php:
<?if(!defined("B_PROLOG_INCLUDED") || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED!==true)die();?>
<?php if($ arResult["ITEMS"]): ?>

  • <?foreach($arResult["ITEMS"] as $arItem):?>

  • " alt="<?php echo $arItem['NAME'] ?>" />

<?php endif ?> Slider
code on the page:
<?$APPLICATION->IncludeComponent("bitrix:news.list", "slider", Array(
"AJAX_MODE" => "N", // Enable AJAX mode
"IBLOCK_ID" => "14", // Information block code
"NEWS_COUNT" => "20", // Number of news on the page
"SORT_BY1" => "SORT", // Field for the first sorting of news
"SORT_ORDER1" => "DESC" , // Direction for the first news sorting
"CHECK_DATES" => "N", // Show only currently active elements
"SET_TITLE" => "N",// Set page title
"PROPERTY_CODE" => array('link'),
"SET_STATUS_404" => "N", // Set status 404 if element or section not found
"INCLUDE_IBLOCK_INTO_CHAIN" => "N", // Include the infoblock in the navigation chain
"ADD_SECTIONS_CHAIN" => "N", // Include the section in the navigation chain
"PARENT_SECTION" => "", // Section ID
"CACHE_TYPE" => " A", // Caching type
"CACHE_TIME" => "3600", // Caching time (sec.)
"CACHE_FILTER" => "Y", // Cache when the filter is set
"CACHE_GROUPS" => "N", // Consider access rights
"AJAX_OPTION_JUMP" => "N", // Enable scrolling to the beginning of the component
In addition to the automatic transition, I would like to implement the transition between slides using the back and forth navigation buttons like thisdrawit.ru/example/fotorama
I didn't work much with Bitrix. I would be grateful for any help.

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