HamSter2018-03-16 15:05:26
HamSter, 2018-03-16 15:05:26

Should You Use Widgets in Wordpress?

There is a page (landing, landing): a header with a logo and a menu + content + a footer with a logo, a duplicated menu, contact information.
Stretching a page on wordpress is done using only one ACF plugin.
Question: Is it worth using some plugins, like this one, for the block with contacts (address, phone, social networks, etc.) in the footer of the page, or is it worth finishing ACF already?

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1 answer(s)
Orkhan Hasanli, 2018-03-16

Since you started doing everything through ACF, then do it further)
And if you have ACF Pro, then there will be plenty of it.

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