Michael2014-07-06 19:57:05
Ruby on Rails
Michael, 2014-07-06 19:57:05

Should you learn Ruby on Rails as your first programming language?

I would like to learn, but I think that some basic programming skills are needed. Is it so?

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1 answer(s)
Ilya Erofeev, 2014-07-08

I recommend learning the Ruby language itself , for starters.
All the basic "basic skills" this training will instill quickly enough. It's quite difficult to "crap" on Ruby. Yes, of course, there are exceptions, as elsewhere, but the philosophy of the language has a strong influence.
Then move on to Rails .
By the way, I also recommend a roadmap along the ruby ​​path: mkdev.me
The development path of a web developer is well spelled out there.

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