eliseevmax2014-10-23 18:07:01
eliseevmax, 2014-10-23 18:07:01

Should I use FrameWorks for Go?

When using them, an essential part of the performance is lost (one of the features of this language). Whether it is possible to use only "net\http" without special hemorrhoids?
PS: Gin not to offer

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5 answer(s)
Tyranron, 2014-10-23

Well, do you try it, or just take a word? =)
Come up with a typical test task, a small ala to create / make a registration / login form on the site with a session mechanism (consider logged in / not logged in). Solve this problem first with the help of frameworks, and then only with the help of the standard library (or vice versa, it doesn’t matter).
In general, it all depends on the task to be solved. In my experience (small projects) - it's easy, convenient and pleasant to make miniframeworks / toolkits for a specific task in Go, if you are not satisfied with the existing solutions. But for something big, I feel that at some point bare net/http without any thoughtful application architecture will start to hurt.

theaidem, 2014-10-24

> PS: Gin not offer
My choice is beego, it's nice to develop, the framework is developing rapidly, because Chinese efficiency is to be envied.

index0h, 2014-12-22

It all depends on what problem you are solving. If the issue of archi performance is critical, up to working with hardware directly, then it is better to look in the direction of C.
You should not use frameworks in fact in two main cases:
1. None of the existing frameworks solves your problem, at least partially
2. Your goal is self-learning
How to play "programming" or the programmer's way.

uvelichitel, 2014-10-25

The first thing you will (most likely) feel is missing from stdlib out of the box
is Post domain request routing followed by using parameter in the handler
- the concept of request_context/session
and want to write it yourself or pull in third-party libraries

t0pep0, 2014-10-28

Just my IMHO - use toolkits, for example gorilla. As a result, you get a sort of Lego constructor, from which you can do anything, but at the same time there will be less rubbish. Although the question is a flame one, as well as the question about the best linux distro. Someone is crazy about Ubuntu, install and make apt-get, a sort of Web framework analogue, someone (like me) loves Gentoo - on the one hand, you don’t invent bicycles, on the other hand, it’s an easy system in which there is a minimum of things you don’t need , just like a toolkit. Well, someone collects LFS - writes on the standard library.

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