blantcat2019-12-02 13:05:37
blantcat, 2019-12-02 13:05:37

Should I use Elasticsearch as my primary database?

The data structure fits well in NoSQL. We also need a search.
The question arose, is it possible to use Elasticsearch as the main database? In fact, this is both storage and search.
Tell me, please, what could be the problem?

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2 answer(s)
Ivan Shumov, 2019-12-02

Elasticsearch is not a database, but just a search index. It should never be used as a database.
- no consistency
- no ACID
- access control only in the commercial version for a lot of money
- in order to change the data type in the document, you need to change the mapping only through a complete re-creation of the index
- data output limit. Problems begin after the first thousand in the search, because it was originally designed to return 1-3 results
- the elastic eats as much memory as there is on the virtual machine. Give her 2 Tb RAM and be sure - he will take everything

Vitaly Karasik, 2019-12-02

As always, the answer is "depends". Depends on your data, on the application. From how much the advantages of full-text search overlap the disadvantages of Elastic.
See the discussion here for example https://discuss.elastic.co/t/elasticsearch-as-a-pr...

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