Yuri Batsura2015-11-19 19:48:03
Yuri Batsura, 2015-11-19 19:48:03

Should I order a laptop from abroad, what are the options?

I look at the market somehow rotten with a choice, all the most interesting configurations are missing. Do you know online stores that ship laptops to Russia?
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2 answer(s)
Lorri, 2015-11-19

The main problem is that the laptop may not reach you, or it may arrive in a broken state. It was this that at one time was the decisive factor in finding a suitable option nearby. And so ... look on eBay, on computeruniverse.net ...

vvs-ts9, 2015-12-02

from the manufacturer directly.
in European stores there is often a shipment to Russia.
from a friend abroad, who will send it by courier with insurance via DHL.

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