AntonKiya2020-01-02 23:59:05
AntonKiya, 2020-01-02 23:59:05

Should I choose mongoDB?

Hey! I want to create a small educational project - this is a service that allows people who want to easily find a mentor in different languages ​​(English, German, etc.).
The backend will be in Node.js. The problem is the choice of database, since I will have many relationships between the entities of students, mentors, requests and responses, and mongo has a document approach, so there are doubts about using it. Question: is it worth going with mongoDB or is it better to use MySql ?

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3 answer(s)
Igor Makhov, 2020-01-03

Better take PostgreSQL, it just has an excellent driver for the node: https://node-postgres.com

Ilya Chubarov, 2020-01-03

For data with a large number of relationships, relational databases are better, because many relationships tend to generate or are close to:
- With complex queries where SQL helps a lot
- Large amounts of data, where a regulated structure will only improve support
- Need in transactions
Deviating from the above, since this is a training project, it is better to practice again on a relational basis.
And for experience, make two projects on different bases, and feel the whole difference not in words, but in deeds.

Vasily Bannikov, 2020-01-03

It seems you are better off taking a relational DB.
I would look towards postgresql, but mysql is also possible

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