bodusiacool2018-11-30 21:35:49
bodusiacool, 2018-11-30 21:35:49

Should I buy a JavaRush subscription now?

What do you think about JavaRush now, is it worth the money, tell us about your experience, if not JavaRush, then what? How much will you need to spend to learn topics such as:
1.Arrays and strings
2.Lists and dynamic arrays.
3. Procedures, function and recursion.
4.Statistical variables and methods.
5.Long arithmetic.
6. Set and dictionary.
How much will it take to learn it in JavaRush and if elsewhere (specify where).
Thank you very much in advance.

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9 answer(s)
Pavel, 2018-11-30

if you want to learn, you will learn for free, a good programmer is someone who knows how to search for information well

dhive, 2018-12-02

After the redesign, I didn’t feel it, but I don’t think it’s worse than before. A long time ago I did it myself, I’ll say on my own that if the question is “Is it necessary?” and there are finances for this, why not invest them in knowledge? In my experience, knowledge is not at all useless.
Those who write about books - the platform is not about that. It is about "getting your hand in" and swinging the brain in the right direction, in fact - "there is a task - there is a solution." Books do not give this, or give only partly. And all this mutually complements each other.
My recipe:
1) Javarush + Head First Java
Javarush: Gives a boost to the brain for problem solving and confidence. Allows you to think like this from a certain number of stuffed tasks: "yes, I know that what I write is shit code, but at least SOME code,
Head First: in a friendly manner, it allows you to get acquainted with the basic features and "feel" what Java can do in general (we write all sorts of client-server chats and stuff like that).
2) Horstmann, 1st vol. 2nd flip through and read chapters as needed. Take yourself by the tail and ask yourself the idea of ​​some full-fledged project, similar to something that is actually used in life. Let it be a pet clinic, a simple game, a GUI notepad / TO-DO application (to which you can then screw up synchronization with the server by touching the network stack, and then write a web face, and then ... Well, you understand ?:) ). At least mark out this idea for yourself and slowly try to approach it from the side of the code and think about how it should look
3, 4, 5, 6 etc. : A lot of interesting things like: OOP, the main collections used in the industry and algorithms over them, books about good code like "Refactoring", "Effective Java", "Clean Code", approaches and design patterns, TDD, and so on and so forth. .. In the context of this issue, I don’t see the point of revealing the topic. By request, in general :)
Now, if I interview juniors, often people have some bias towards theory, as opposed to practical skills. For those people who, incl. sausage problems on JavaRush, problems of this kind are much less.
ps: I have nothing to do with JavaRush, I just really think that the guys created a cool thing, which at one time did me a very good service :)

Igor_ku, 2019-02-11

But I would advise you to buy. Interestingly, people who say that instead of Javarush, you can google and learn everything yourself - where do you get so many tasks from? No, of course you can make a couple of your own projects, but the first 10 levels in Javarash are very good and you will not find such a good practice anywhere.
I myself went through about 13 levels in the month before university and was one of the best on the course due to good preparation
So my advice is to buy and pass as much as you can in a month, and then decide whether to continue the subscription

Sizar, 2018-12-01

In my opinion, it’s worth it if you are just starting out, BUT this must be done before the new year, there will be discounts, I bought it then. For more or less experienced, it is not needed. I advise you to download the ITVDN Java course, here is the real course and the course of Peter Arseniev, these two courses are the best on the entire Internet, not counting the practice-oriented getjavajob and OTUS. Books also need to be read, here Schildt is rightly advised (for beginners) "Java 8. A Complete Guide for Beginners".

astrofyysikko, 2020-09-19

Javarush(по акции персональная скидка 6000р за год)+ ХедФерс и Шилд+ Курсы с Udemi либо Itvnd по java.

Орхан Гасанлы, 2018-11-30
@azerphoenix Куратор тега Java

Вы знаете, научится программирвоанию на Java можно из других источников. Я не покупал java курсы на javarush и не могу объективно оценивать, но тот бесплатный функционал, который доступен был мне, скажу, что содержит много воды...
Я предпочитаю читать книги, изучать чужой код на гит, смотреть видеоматериалы (youtube). Есть неплохие курсы на udemy || stepik, но бесплатных на ютуб тоже немало.

Даниил Демидко, 2018-12-01

Нет, не стоит. А однозначно стоит найти хорошую книгу по Java, почитать неспеша. После HelloWorld написать программу складывающую два числа, потом бота-говорилку в консоли, потом свой графический редактор, потом попробовать сделать Android-приложение. Так, шаг за шагом, вы естественным образом постигните Java.
И поймете все эти темы, в процессе. Нужно будет много гуглить и ломать голову как сделать то, или иное. И это будет наиболее правильно.

Iloveski, 2018-12-01

Мне помогло набить руку на несложных задачах с интерактивной проверкой. За теорией не туда, только за практикой

sanjokb, 2022-04-22

Можно купить подписку на год и в принципе за год успеете все изучить и решить все задания.
Так же, если хотите сэкономить, можно за символическую плату купить аккаунт со всеми открытыми лекциями и НЕрешёнными заданиями, можете изучить лекции прорешать задания и после решения всех заданий купить подписку на МЕСЯЦ и отправить все задания сразу на проверку.
Если интересно пишите в ВК, расскажу подробнее.
Я ВКонтакте: vk.com/sanjokb

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