Aramaki2013-04-30 10:39:20
Network administration
Aramaki, 2013-04-30 10:39:20

Shared hosting with large upload_max_filesize?

you need a sane relatively inexpensive hoster - the site is simple, you don’t want to bother with VDS.
the load on the server will be small, but files will be downloaded approximately ~ 40MB each
. As it turned out, finding such a virtual tariff is quite problematic. almost all have upload_max_filesize 32

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6 answer(s)
Vladislav 21rpk, 2015-01-16

https://tcphost.net/ - upload_max_filesize 128 MB

Nikita Gusakov, 2013-04-30

You can find a compromise between VDS and the absence of configuration problems, choose something from here and put it on VDS
. And in general, can't you fix it with htaccess?

<ifModule mod_php.c>
    php_value upload_max_filesize 40M
    php_value post_max_size       10M

Ruslan, 2013-04-30

ukraine.com.ua - Ukrainian hosting, but they have servers in Ukraine, Germany, Russia and the USA.
Apparently there are no restrictions on this parameter at all, the default is 50mb.
I've been using it for several years, no complaints.
By the way, there is a free trial period, so you can test it yourself.

MiXei4, 2013-04-30

Timeweb, for example, upload_max_filesize 1000M
In general, it seems to me that this parameter can almost always be changed independently, as mentioned above. I don't remember any hard limits.

Laroy, 2013-04-30

by default 16Mb, but you can change it to any value in phpinfo.

homm, 2014-11-25

You can use absolutely any hosting with third-party services and not bother with file size limits. Try Uploadcare.com.

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