?2020-11-06 08:26:08
?, 2020-11-06 08:26:08

Setting up Gulp (creating folders and files)?

I want the base folders and files to be created in a new project when starting the gallp. Tell me who knows, I just started to deal with the

  1. src
  2. src/css
  3. src/sass
  4. src/img
  5. src/img/dist
  6. src/img/src
  7. src/js

  1. gitignore
  2. src/index.html
  3. src/sass/main.sass
  4. src/js/main.js

What for?
So that the gulp command creates a basic set of files and folders and I do not need to spend time on this

My gulpfile.js (Did by video)
let preprocessor = 'sass';

const {src, dest, parallel, series, watch} = require('gulp');
const browser_sync = require('browser-sync').create();
const concat = require('gulp-concat');
const uglify = require('gulp-uglify-es').default;
const sass = require('gulp-sass');
const autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer');
const clean_css = require('gulp-clean-css');
const imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin');
const newer = require('gulp-newer');
const del = require('del')

function browserSync(){
        server: {baseDir: 'src/'},
        notify: false,
        online: true

function scripts() {
    return  src([

function styles() {
    return src('src/' + preprocessor + '/main.' + preprocessor)
        overrideBrowserslist: ['last 10 versions'], 
        grid: true
        {level: {
            1: {
                specialComments: 0

function optimizeImg() {
    return src('src/img/src/**/*')

function cleanImg(){
    return del('src/img/dist/**/*', 
        force: true

function cleanDist(){
    return del('dist/**/*', 
        force: true

function buildCopy(){
    return src([
       base: 'src' 

function startWatch() {
    watch('src/**/*.html').on('change', browser_sync.reload);
    watch('src/img/src/**/*', optimizeImg);
    watch('src/**/' + preprocessor + '/**/*', styles);
    watch(['src/**/*.js', '!app/**/*.min.js'], scripts);

exports.browserSync = browserSync;
exports.scripts = scripts;
exports.styles = styles;
exports.optimizeImg = optimizeImg;
exports.cleanImg = cleanImg;
exports.build = series(cleanDist, styles, scripts, optimizeImg, buildCopy);

exports.default = parallel(styles, scripts, browserSync, startWatch);

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1 answer(s)
Alexander, 2020-11-06

I asked myself this question, but when I googled, I kind of thought that you couldn’t do this with a gallop, or I googled badly

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