epic_noob2013-10-29 21:17:45
epic_noob, 2013-10-29 21:17:45

Service for accounting redirects?

We need some kind of service through which it would be possible to keep statistics of clicks on links, such as clickstat.ru, only more decently.
Roughly speaking, I have a link to the site example.com/123 , so I need the service to take into account transitions, and I replaced the link with something like service.com/?redirect_to=http ://example.com/123

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2 answer(s)
xandr0s, 2013-10-30

If you just publish it and there is no access to the machine itself (installing a weblizer or collecting logs on the server), then the easiest option is bit.ly. Put + at the end of the link and get into the clicks status.

Andrey, 2013-10-30

goo.gl collects good statistics on clicks and displays them with all sorts of charts.

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