Kirill Firsov2011-12-04 18:39:09
Kirill Firsov, 2011-12-04 18:39:09

Server clustering

There are 3 servers:
1 - The site on which the images are uploaded, 2 and 3 are the servers where the images should be uploaded.
Website developed in PHP.
Interested in the question: how to upload files from the site to the other 2 servers.
Sending a POST file with a CURL request comes to mind, but maybe there are some other more convenient ways to solve it?

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3 answer(s)
Andrey Burov, 2011-12-04

If the channels between the servers are good, then NFS, GlusterFS, Luster, etc. will suit you.

Puma Thailand, 2011-12-04

ngs.ru lays out pictures on servers using webdav,
as an option to do it using csync, it uses inotifi to detect new files in the directory.

Perkov, 2011-12-05

Do you really need a cluster? Maybe just on servers 2 and 3 nginx ask to go for pictures on server 1? You can come up with a lot of perversions - starting from storing pictures in the database in blobs, ending with an external glass raid.

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