Jazzist2011-11-26 03:22:34
Search Engine Optimization
Jazzist, 2011-11-26 03:22:34

SEO and non-unique content

I'm about to post some stuff. I'm sure it will be stolen. However, I would like to have a decent position in the issuance of search engines.

What can be done now, prior to publication , to prevent or possibly minimize losses from theft?

Sub-question - does it make sense to write letters to PS support, with attachments that I will publish, BEFORE publication? I wonder if anyone will do this, how they will react?

I'm going to upload to the public access the author's book, which has never been published anywhere before. Approximately 1MB of text, if that matters.

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4 answer(s)
MT, 2011-11-26

Yandex recently introduced the " Original Texts " feature .

shsweb, 2011-11-26

  • Watermak with your site address to images + links from images to your site + links in the image description.
  • Links between articles in the book (the so-called linking), for example, by the terms used.
  • Watermark inside the html text of the article with a link to your site and publication date, like this:
    <span style="position: absolute; top: -2000px; left: -2000px;">
    <!-- сайт источник http://ваш_сайт Sat Nov 26 2011 10:15:59 GMT+0400 -->
    <a href="http://ваш_сайт">сайт источник http://ваш_сайт</a> Sat Nov 26 2011 10:15:59 GMT+0400</span>

  • All this will not protect against copying. But with automatic theft, at least links to your site may remain, and this is not bad for the growth of the site itself in search engines according to. search queries.

Konstantin Frolov, 2011-11-27

use search engine ping

amc, 2011-11-26

Also doesn't help with copying at all, but can be left.

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