prostovlad2018-12-21 02:19:06
prostovlad, 2018-12-21 02:19:06

Sending an XML request using the POST method?

Good afternoon. Plz tell me how to make a request. Here's what the documentation says.
You must send a request to

https://site.ru/webservices/rest/XXRSV_I1085_ITEM_PKG/GET_INFO/ методом «POST» с
• Accept значение application/xml
• Content-Type значение application/xml
• Authorization значение 'Basic ' || to_base64(<login>|| ':' || <пароль>)

is formed by concatenation of the Basic string and the login ':' password in Base64 encoding.
The request body looks like this:
<GET_Input xmlns:ns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/apps/fnd/soaprovider/plsql/rest/XXRSV_I1085_ITEM_PKG/GET_INFO/"

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1 answer(s)
Hanneman, 2018-12-21

Your question is the answer to the question itself, because the question contains what should be in the HTTP request header and in its body. Those. headers + XML body itself.
It's not entirely clear what you're interested in. I assume you need to implement this using some programming language. If so, then each language has its own built-in or third-party modules/libraries that implement the functionality of HTTP requests. You just need to use these modules to write the appropriate code that
The request itself in its "raw" form (with Basic authorization and those header elements that are in your question) looks like this:
You need (as I indicated above) to write code that will generate an HTTP request at the output, which will be identical to that as in the picture above - while writing the code and sending test requests, use a network tracing program ( Wireshark / Fiddler ) to compare your generated request against the example.

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