Antago2013-08-11 23:02:59
Antago, 2013-08-11 23:02:59

Searching blog posts with similar tags in Yii?

There is a blog on Yii. Each post has a set of tags and keywords. Stored as tag1, tag2, tag3,… Some tags are found in different word forms, i.e. in different cases, numbers.
How to competently and with the least load for a particular post find similar posts based on the match of the largest number of tags? Preferably, with the ability to set a minimum% of matches.

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4 answer(s)
Nikita Gusakov, 2013-08-11

I would create a copy of the database with changes and translate the tags into a normal many-to-many, and dance from here

Timur, 2013-09-03

It is unlikely that the question is still relevant, but look at github.com/yiiext/taggable-behavior

truekenny, 2013-08-11

Try FULLTEXT index.

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