Carry2018-09-06 11:21:22
Search Engine Optimization
Carry, 2018-09-06 11:21:22

Search engines and substitution of the correct region when going to the site?

Good afternoon.
Tell me on the site I have a lot of regions with goods, in yandex there are no problems as such with indexing. There are more than 2 million pages in the index.
The problem is this:
a person searches in the search to buy "diapers in St. Petersburg", for example, very often the search engine gives a link to a product in another region, or "All regions".
I'm wondering if there is such a practice, to determine that a person has switched from search engines, to look for the search region (if it exists) in the referer and substitute exactly the region that the person typed in the search, rather than the one suggested by the search engine?

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1 answer(s)
bkosun, 2018-09-06

You can’t do this if you don’t want such pages to be removed from the search results.

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