Yan_futureprogrammist2018-10-04 12:45:19
Database design
Yan_futureprogrammist, 2018-10-04 12:45:19

Schema design by table?

I am just starting to dive into the IT sphere, trying to figure everything out.
And I would like someone to check my work.
And then you think "yes, I sort of did it," and as a result, an error on an error.
In general, to the essence of the issue.
I needed to design a diagram in Visio tables: https://studopedia.info/3-56793.html - there is 8 option on this site.
My work is attached.

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3 answer(s)
Evgeny Nikolaev, 2018-10-04

It is not good to put two or more primary keys in one entity) I'm talking about the "Payment" table

Ilya Korablev, 2015-06-12

Make it like a regular window, set a cross in it, at which it will be hidden. And then when you click on the cross, hide it with jQuery.

Maxim Valerievich, 2015-06-12

To start with, the window styles should be display: none;

$('.modal').fadeIn() показать
$('.modal').fadeOut() скрыть

Откроем окно когда страница полностью прогрузится.
$(function() {

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