LS Timer2017-10-30 08:47:28
LS Timer, 2017-10-30 08:47:28

Running war (jar) - a project without an IDE?

Hello Toaster.
There is a maven project. Tomcat application server.
I run through the IntelLij IDEA IDE, everything starts up normally and works without interruption.
Question : I bought a VDS for a month for testing.
Installed Tomcat, Java, MySQL
But there are problems with starting the project without the iDEA IDE. How to specify the desired war - nickname or jar - nickname in tomcat?
I run catalina run in the console, I see that she does not know what to cling to.
How to be?
Of course, you can install idea and run through it, but this is not practical and wrong.

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1 answer(s)
akass, 2017-10-30

So tomcat just takes applications from webapps and starts them. And access to server_url/appname
And in the list of applications in the web face, it should be

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