Alexandria2020-07-01 16:44:23
Alexandria, 2020-07-01 16:44:23

Roadmap for learning java?

Guys. I want to learn java but I'm confused. I took it to study several times. The video, the book. No progress. Constantly ran into a million obstacles. Then apathy. What to do and how to build the learning process correctly? Where and how to start? I would be grateful if you send a roadmap for proper study.

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4 answer(s)
Denis Zagaevsky, 2020-07-01

Write code. All these books and stuff are crap, you won't get anything from them. You must write code, you must be interested in it. In the process, sooner or later you will realize that you are missing something, then you take and read books / articles. And write code again. You must have your own code, not written off from a book, not on assignment. Just your code.

Sergei Chamkin, 2020-07-01


Orkhan, 2020-07-02
Hasanly @azerphoenix

1) Learn the basics of java development. Books - B. Eckel - Philosophy of Java, G. Schildt - Java 8. The Complete Guide.
2) Learn to code. You can start by learning simple libraries and writing simple projects. For example, jsoup (write parsers). Learn javafx
3) When you decide on the direction (Enterprise, Android etc.), start developing in the right direction. For Enterprise, you can start learning with Java EE & Spring, Hibernate, etc.
Remember that just knowing Java is not enough. Learn also markup languages, etc. For example, html, css, xml, sql, regex, etc.
In general, as soon as you learn at least something to write, write. You will often make mistakes, make mistakes, and then learn how to debug your code, fix errors and learn how to search for information in English. language (google, stackoverflow, mkyong, baeldung, etc.)

5hinokaze, 2021-03-11

In general, java is for a bloody enterprise, you can choose a simpler language for learning.
Once the foundation of "how to program" is laid, learning a specific language (well, except for some very exotic ones) will become a matter of reading documentation and practice.
And yes, as said above - write the code. (at least whatever)
If it's also difficult for you to cut fictitious tasks like me, there are all sorts of services like codewars...
But the best way to try to implement algorithms, at the same time you will be not just a coder. but a true developer.
Well, don't forget to test what you've done. Also + will be in karma.
(in general, in many languages ​​there are borderline situations when the behavior of the executable program is not entirely obvious, such things are often asked in social security. So wherever there are doubts about the code - write tests, do experiments, compare.)
And if it seems boring and boring, then maybe you chose the wrong profession?

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