ame2011-05-31 23:20:05
ame, 2011-05-31 23:20:05

Replacing net send?

In our company, sometimes it becomes necessary to notify network users about, for example, a temporary shutdown of a certain server or power outages. So that busy workers do not lose important accumulated information, periodically saving documents, etc.

But the time has come to organize the network: departments are displayed in their VLANs, computers are migrated to the domain in parallel, plus Windows 7 is gradually replacing the ancient W2k and XP.

Previously, the standard system message service (net send) was used to notify users, but the division into separate subnets, the absence of a service as such in W7, makes the former use impossible.

Therefore, I ask the habra community: do you have similar situations, what alternative can you use?

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6 answer(s)
ertaquo, 2011-05-31

Why not install Jabber? At the same time the possibility of communication between users.

Alexander, 2011-06-01


Anton Spirin, 2011-06-01

Install jabber for everyone, especially in the light of the transition to AD - everything is great friends (we have done this and log in as a domain user). Notify via Jabber.
If users do not regularly use Outlook, then the Lync platform will not help much, but they also need to be notified by mail.
And yes! Surely, there is some kind of corporate website on the intranet - write news on it, and set the site itself as the default page for everyone.

antivir, 2011-06-01

You can look towards third-party. For example,
Or serverless direct messenger
I didn't use both programs myself.

Sergey, 2011-06-02

Jabber in my opinion is the best. In our company, it is used, though more for communication between employees, but mailing alerts can be done without problems too. Plus it is possible to fasten conferences.

Okloks, 2014-03-06

Mini Messenger

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