gagoman2012-02-06 22:41:21
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gagoman, 2012-02-06 22:41:21

Removing a fake Vkontakte page?

Actually, at the university, the teacher asked the following question:
Someone created a page on his behalf, from which various offensive messages and other not-so-good things are sent to other teachers who use Vkontakte.
Since the page does not belong to the teacher, he cannot delete it either.
What can be done in this case and who can be contacted?
Thank you.
PS I know about recovery using a photo on the background of the page, but the person did not register in the social. networks, because there you need to enter a phone number, and here is a photo + a scan of documents.

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3 answer(s)
topbanana, 2012-02-06

Ask colleagues who are on VKontakte to add a fake account to the blacklist. If they don't receive messages from the prankster and respond to them, the prankster won't be interested in continuing.

Alexander, 2012-02-06

Direct road to technical support with evidence, and support from colleagues at work.
Compose a letter, specify the page id, a list of those to whom the mailing is being made.
In general, there are no other options.
Just note, deleting one pseudo page is unlikely to prevent the “joker” from registering another dozen pages and continuing his act.
So, a more effective way to fight is to find the culprit himself.

Nikita Petrenko, 2012-02-06

And if you just write in those. contact support and explain the situation? They will tell you what to do...

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