Gregory2016-06-29 14:55:47
Gregory, 2016-06-29 14:55:47

Reinstalling windows has been going on for 10 hours, what should I do? What is the problem?

In general, the laptop began to lag terribly, I decided to turn it off and on again, before it turned on in less than a minute, but this time it turned on after an hour and a half. Tried to do a system restore - does not work. Tried to enter safe mode - it's stupidly gone. Tried to roll back to factory settings - does not work. Now I decided to demolish everything and reinstall Windows, but for 10 hours now the result has been at the "Scanning and repairing drive(C:) 6% complete" stage, what should I do, what is the problem?

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3 answer(s)
Yuri Kucherenko, 2016-06-29

Broken sectors on the screw with a probability of 70% try to backup and then take a new one.

GavriKos, 2016-06-29

Backup hard, bury it and go for a new one. Well, you can still diagnose it ...

Anton Ulanov, 2016-06-29

there was such a thing on packerdbel .... a very long download without overheating (it was in winter), as well as an abnormally long installation of different wasps. diagnostics showed the imminent death of hdd

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