LaraG2020-07-12 22:48:54
LaraG, 2020-07-12 22:48:54

Redux Framework wordpress background of two adjacent blocks overlap?

I made background img for header.php and for template-home.php using Redux Framework
In template-home.php I call <?php get_header(); ?>
In the browser, the second background img (from template-home.php ) is superimposed on the one from header.php
Although the background from template-home.php should come second, it starts at the top of the page and not its block.
In the code inspector, when I look, the background img is taller than the block border.
Does not react to margin.
How can this be resolved?

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1 answer(s)
LaraG, 2020-07-13

Found the answer
You need to use not background a media

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