unfapable2016-03-28 07:28:41
unfapable, 2016-03-28 07:28:41

Recommend materials on OOP for the web?

What are the resources, books, videos on OOP in relation to the web? I would like to learn and understand OOP, but while it is difficult for me, maybe it will be easier, maybe because I am a web developer and I need to learn OOP in the context of the web?

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5 answer(s)
Ilya, 2016-03-28

As for me, MVC (and not only) is well described here: design-pattern.ru/patterns/mvc.html . Here is a link to Fuller's book.
OOP is the same everywhere, or rather its essence, but the implementation may differ (although it seems to me so in FIG).
For the web, it is better to learn MVC based on the framework, because. you will immediately become familiar with the pattern, the framework and its specific implementation. For example, YII ( www.yiiframework.ru/doc/guide/ru/basics.mvc) and each component for the new version is described here
What does MVC have to do with it? This is an example of how OOP is implemented on the web. Models are objects

Alexander Zubarev, 2016-03-28

It is difficult for you, perhaps because you have gaps in the basic concepts, just here they are described in the "Object-Oriented Programming" section.
If you are too lazy to look, then the basic concepts that you need to get acquainted with are:
and the book Object-Oriented Design of Software Systems (Bertrand Meyer) can be read.
And so Google to the rescue, good luck!

O. J, 2016-03-28

OOP is only a programming methodology, it cannot be divided into applicability to the web or not, or attributed to a specific jap. Backend for the web in php is primarily a program that can be written using an OOP approach, or not.
If you want to really understand all the subtleties of OOP well, then to write high-quality and productive code. Then I do not advise you to study it on php code examples. And take on some kind of completely OOP language, such as Java.
Once, a very, very long time ago, I started coding with php, and actually understood all the intricacies of OOP using php examples, after that I already wrote projects using objects, and I thought that I understood everything perfectly.
Until I discovered Java, literally a month later, I finally realized that I did not know the full power of OOP at all.

GTRxShock, 2016-03-28

Mat Zandstra - PHP: objects, patterns and programming techniques
www.combook.ru/product/11140344 in paper form desirable

khipster, 2016-03-28

It's all nonsense. Objects are needed if you write something big. For example, a game of tanks - each tank is an object. And to apply OOP and select objects without abstraction, chasing fashion, IMHO is nonsense.

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