burdakovd2011-04-17 23:27:05
Electronic books
burdakovd, 2011-04-17 23:27:05

Read PDF on e-book

I bought a Digma e500, I thought that I could finally read both fiction and textbooks away from the computer.

Fiction in the fb2 format reads perfectly, but bad luck comes out with textbooks. They are mostly in PDF format, and the pages are A4 in size.

The device tries to scale an A4 page to a small screen - and, of course, nothing good comes of it, the text is small.

The reasons for this are clear - PDF is a printable format, it does not specify "what" is written in the document, but "how" it should look. Each letter has a fixed position on the page.
It is also clear that nothing can be done for scanned PDFs if you do not involve OCR, and even then you will have to proofread it.

But can something be done with text PDFs? Extract text from them, preserving the document structure (chapters, subchapters), images and formulas to the maximum.

And let the device display the contents of the document (as it happens in fb2, html), and not a set of characters in a given font at given page positions (as happens in pdf, dvi).

PS - do not lose images and formulas

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7 answer(s)
Vsevolod, 2011-04-17

I also asked myself this question, because. I am the owner of Lbook. I managed to overtake some pdfs in fb2 with the Caliber program (http://caliber-ebook.com/). Images will get into fb2 only if they are raster.

Alexey, 2011-04-18

Try this program here. Only it will need to be properly configured, run your PDF through it using all 4 suggested algorithms, and choose the best result.
I reworked the textbook so-so, pictures, footnotes, tables, formulas have been preserved.

couatl, 2011-04-18

The problem here is if the pages are raster. Convert PDF to editable format using ABBYY FineReader

hybridcattt, 2011-04-18

I have an E600, in principle there are no such problems.
more precisely, I solve it this way: I read pdf with an enlarged font (menu item "align"), the pictures are displayed normally. when you need to look at the table, I make the page on the screen, I look, I switch back.
ps. it was possible to overpay 500 rubles per inch =)

persona, 2011-04-18

Books in PDF are perfectly readable if you read half the pages in landscape mode. For this there are a sufficient number of special programs.

asm0dey, 2011-04-18

Pocketbook can do reflow - it works quite well with recognized PDFs, not much worse than with fb2. Sometimes only the code spreads - but nothing, you can understand.
Unlikely, but maybe Digma can do that too?

asm0dey, 2011-04-18

Pocket is good at it. Actually, that's why I chose it))

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