artr_lr2019-07-25 12:15:12
artr_lr, 2019-07-25 12:15:12

React-GSAP is it possible to separate the logic of general animation and animated components?

Hello! I'm doing an experimental project. For animation I use react-gsap.
The structure is as follows:
- components
- pages
- store
- styles
- tweens Typical
component pseudocode

import React from 'react';

// подключаю нужные стилевые элементы
import {Button} from '../styles/Button'
import {Blob, Blobs} from '../styles/Blobs'

// подключаю нужные мне анимации
import BlobsAnimated from '../tweens/Blobs'

// если надо, инъекчу стор, но тут я это опущу
//... render 
      <Blob />
      <Blob />
      <Blob />
      <Blob />

Typical animation, for example, the same BlobsAnimated
import React from 'react';
import { Tween } from 'react-gsap';

export default ({ children, duration, delay }) => (

Now the crux of the matter! Everything is fine until we remember about Timeline. And I would really like to have an animation root component with a common timeline for all animations on the page! Something like the following as I imagine:
// src/tweens.index.js

import React from 'react';
import {Timeline} from 'react-gsap';
//... импорт всех твинов

export default class extends React.Component {
  render () {
    return (
        // etc
      // or
        <LogoAnimated />
        <NavAnimated />
        <BlobAnimated />

And in the top App.js component in the render, submit this timeline. On the one hand, it's bad that twin components will be needed in two places - on the general timeline and in page components. On the other hand, on the timeline I set the chemistry between the twins themselves, and in the page components I specify what exactly to animate in the component itself, in the twin I tell how to animate. It turns out what, how and when (in what order).
Rave? If yes, what is the alternative? If not, how to implement it?) The react-gsap documentation is extremely scarce...)

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