Denis Sokolov2020-11-20 20:38:25
Denis Sokolov, 2020-11-20 20:38:25

React admin?

How to make it so that when you enter the admin panel, you add, for example, a post of some kind and you have it appear on the page with posts without a database?

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2 answer(s)
Arthur, 2020-11-20

If we are talking about a session, then use redux
If we are not talking about one session, but a condition without a database, then use redux persist or client stores

Kirill Makarov, 2020-11-21

No way, if you want to store data, you need a database, plus a backing that will process this data. And if you do it purely for yourself, then you can store data either in local storage, or in usecontext, or use mobx or redax

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