Viktor Vsk2014-06-05 10:55:11
Ruby on Rails
Viktor Vsk, 2014-06-05 10:55:11

Rails memcache. How to properly set "limit_maxbytes"?

memcahed -I 64M

=> {""=>
   "version"=>"1.4.14 (Ubuntu)",

It can be seen that limit_maxbytes = 64 megabytes.
But I can't write an object of 4 megabytes in size. Neither in the console nor on the server (restarted both)
Via the web:
Value for Test over max size: 1048576 <= 4116715
In the console it just writes false.
I'm actually calling it like this:
Rails.cache.fetch('Test'){ Spree::Product.all }.count.to_s

Rails 3.2
Ruby 2.1.1

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1 answer(s)
Dimitriy, 2014-06-05

memcahed -m 64M -I 10M

Rails.cache.fetch('10mb'){ 'x' * 10.megabytes }.size
Cache read: 10mb
Cache generate: 10mb
Cache write: 10mb
Value for 10mb over max size: 10485760 <= 10485773

Rails.cache.fetch('9mb'){ 'x' * 9.megabytes }.size
Cache read: 9mb
Cache fetch_hit: 9mb

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