RsT19922017-01-10 13:40:10
RsT1992, 2017-01-10 13:40:10

Question about Redmine?

Good day, gentlemen!
The question is not difficult, for some users, but for me, as a novice programmer, it will certainly come in handy.
The question is that Redmine was deployed in our organization and I (who did not understand anything at all, came for an internship, followed by employment) study the Ruby language, study the principles of RoR, and, accordingly, Redmine itself.
I haven't studied anything before, neither Java nor Python etc.
Redmine project management system, what needs to be done there, write something, or is it more like administration, I saw and read that there are plugins for easier use of the program itself, well, if it is deployed in Ruby, what should be done there, what coding, what is the point, no one explains to me, they said, do it, no one writes such topics, mainly how to use for the administrator.
I'm here honestly, like a sheep, I'm sitting here, I don't understand.
Just give me some advice.
What is more done in this Redmine?
Installing and imposing any tasks, removing them, closing tasks
Thanks in advance for the answers, and for my "smart" question that I so wanted to ask.

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3 answer(s)
Mikhail Beloshitsky, 2017-01-10

1. If it’s specific, then there is a tutorial on writing plugins for RM .
2. Judging by the fact that you stated all your questions in one paragraph, you have never written in either python or java before - you will have a hard time :). Ruby and RoR are not the best technologies to start programming with, they are more suitable for people with a certain amount of experience. I'm not saying that this is directly impossible, but this way is more difficult than starting with, for example, python.
Also, Redmine is a fairly old application that traces its history back to Rails 3 or maybe even Rails 2, and now most of the tutorials are about rails 4 or 5. Also not the best option to start with, but still try to figure it out.
3. Regarding "no one explains anything." Of course, I understand that you, as a beginner, do not have to choose, but I would not recommend making long-term plans for this office and others like it.

Roman Mirilaczvili, 2017-01-10

Redmine is a project management system. You can create descriptions for tasks that together will lead to the release of a new version of the software, monitor bugs in the software, assign those responsible for fixing them, attach documents, write documentation. This is convenient for both project managers and project participants, since it is clear who is working on what.
An example of issues can be seen here: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues

CityCat4, 2017-01-11

Redmine is a tracker. Task management system, in other words. Good one, spreading, with a forum, file storage, wiki, gantt charts. Project tracker for developers (there are also technical support trackers - OTRS, RequestTracker). A project is created, it contains subprojects, tasks. Tasks are assigned to performers, observers monitor the process. The system of rights is quite spreading. Plugins are written by all and sundry, some cost quite a lot of money...
For a developer, it’s not just convenient, it’s an irreplaceable thing, especially because it integrates with VCS in two kicks and all comments made by commits get into the right ticket.

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