Mercury132016-07-22 16:45:01
Mercury13, 2016-07-22 16:45:01

QTableView: how to highlight the current table row?

Set selectionBehavior = SelectRows. The effect is too rough when the entire line is blue.
What else can be done? What are the options?

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1 answer(s)
Mercury13, 2017-07-31

void ForecastReport::Delegate::initStyleOption(
        QStyleOptionViewItem * option,
        const QModelIndex & index) const
    Super::initStyleOption(option, index);
    if (index.column() != owner.table->currentIndex().column()
                && (option->state & QStyle::State_Selected)) {
        fixupStyleOption(option, cache);

// предок ForecastReport::Delegate
void MyTableDelegate::fixupStyleOption(
        QStyleOptionViewItem * option,
        QBlendCache& cache)
    QBrush& brush = option->backgroundBrush;
    QColor cl = brush.color();
    if (brush.style() == Qt::NoBrush) {
        cl = AdvancedTableModel::BgColor::back();   // это QApplication::palette().base().color();
    brush.setColor(cache(cl, Qt::black, 180));
    option->state &= ~QStyle::State_Selected;

QColor QBlendCache::operator()(const QColor& aFg, const QColor& aBg, int aAlpha)
    if (fg != aFg || bg != aBg || alpha != aAlpha) {
        fg = aFg;
        bg = aBg;
        alpha = aAlpha;
        result = qBlend(aFg, aBg, aAlpha);
    return result;

namespace {
    float fGamma = 2.2f;
    float fInvGamma = 1.0f / 2.2f;

QColor qBlend(const QColor& aFg, const QColor& aBg, int aValue)
    qreal rf, gf, bf, rb, gb, bb, a, ca;
    aFg.getRgbF(&rf, &gf, &bf);
    aBg.getRgbF(&rb, &gb, &bb);
    a = static_cast<qreal>(aValue) / static_cast<qreal>(255);
    ca = static_cast<qreal>(1) - a;
    rf = pow(pow(rf, fGamma) * a + pow(rb, fGamma) * ca, fInvGamma);
    gf = pow(pow(gf, fGamma) * a + pow(gb, fGamma) * ca, fInvGamma);
    bf = pow(pow(bf, fGamma) * a + pow(bb, fGamma) * ca, fInvGamma);
    return QColor::fromRgbF(rf, gf, bf);

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