uegh2020-10-31 03:19:03
uegh, 2020-10-31 03:19:03

QT license or QT Creator?

The license, as I understand it, refers to QT libraries + to cross-platform compiled files that this application breathes. But what if I just want to use QT Creator, that is, the ide itself and am not going to use the QT libraries. Then there can be no question of a license? Can I use QT Creator for commercial purposes in this case? 

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2 answer(s)
Ighor July, 2020-10-31

There are only distribution conditions, you have no rights to distribute Qt Creator under other licenses.
If you don't distribute it, then you don't have to worry about it.

xorknown, 2020-10-31

As a special exception, you may create projects containing the output of this application (qtcreator) and distribute them under terms of your choice, as long as they are not otherwise derived from or based on this application, and until as long as the project itself does not generate output containing the output of this application in its original or modified form.
Free translation of the very first lines from the qtcreator license .

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