Maxim Kuprashevich2013-06-07 23:27:38
Maxim Kuprashevich, 2013-06-07 23:27:38

Qt 5.0.2, linker fails to build projects with "Cannot open file 'Files.obj'" error?

In general, I used to sit on Qt 4.8, yesterday I collected 5.0.2 (I collected it in static, because it is very important to me because of convenience).
Everything is ok gathered, but now neither new nor old projects, no, do not want to gather. The following is in the console:

D:\Qt\5.0.2\Tools\QtCreator\bin\jom.exe -f Makefile.Debug echo 1 /* CREATEPROCESS_MANIFEST_RESOURCE_ID / 24 / RT_MANIFEST */ “debug\\Webs.exe.embed.manifest”>debug\Webs .exe_manifest.rc if not exist debug\Webs.exe if exist debug\Webs.exe.embed.manifest del debug\Webs.exe.embed.manifest if exist debug\Webs.exe.embed.manifest copy /Y debug\Webs .exe.embed.manifest debug\Webs.exe_manifest.bak link /NOLOGO /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /DEBUG /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS “/MANIFESTDEPENDENCY:type='win32' name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='6.0 .0.0' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='' processorArchitecture=''” /MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:debug\Webs.exe.embed.manifest /OUT:debug\Webs.exe @C:\Users\UD\AppData\Local \Temp\Webs.exe.5528.16.jom
LINK: fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'Files.obj'
jom: D:\Projects\Webs\Makefile.Debug [debug\Webs.exe] Error 1104
jom: D:\Projects\Webs\Makefile [debug] Error 2

Judging by Google, there may be some problems with libraries located along the path through “Program Files”, although I don’t know where .obj is. I did not find a solution, I asked already on what forums it is possible, they are silent everywhere.
Maybe someone here came across?

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1 answer(s)
Konstantin Vlasov, 2013-06-08

although I don’t know where .obj has to do with it
Given that the path "C:\Program Files (x86)\..." is passed to the linker without quotes. He perceives it as a sequence of objects: C:\Program.obj (the default extension is appended automatically), Files.obj, (x86)\...obj.
Apparently, the library was configured to work through ANGLE? Unfortunately, in 5.0.2 ANGLE is not compiled statically, this is a known bug. The symptoms are similar, by the way. You must either wait for 5.1.0, or configure with -opengl desktop, or build a dynamic version. You can try to drive the DirectX SDK into the path without spaces, but I have not tried it.

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