Juan472022-03-08 19:14:13
Juan47, 2022-03-08 19:14:13

Python. Why is the bot doing something wrong?

Before that, I made a simple echo of the bot, and then I remade it so that it speaks a forecast, but for some reason it continues to repeat ... Please tell me what's the matter. Here is the code:

import telebot
import pyowm
owm = OWM('тут был токен')
bot = telebot.TeleBot("тут был токен")
def send_echo(message):
    mgr = owm.weather_manager()
    observation = owm.weather_manager().weather_at_place(message.text)
    w = observation.weather
    temp = w.temperature('celsius')["temp"]
    answer = "Там сейчас " + w.detailed_status + "\n\n"
    answer += "температура: " + str(temp)
    if temp < 5:
        answer +="Холодрыга, одевайся по-зимнему"
    elif temp < 16:
        answer +="Прохладно,одеайся по-весеннему"
        answer +="Можно в трусах"

    bot.send_message(message.chat.id, answer)
bot.polling ( none_stop = True )

Edit: Created a new bot, but now it doesn't respond at all :(

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1 answer(s)
Kvason, 2022-03-08

Are you sure you saved and restarted the script? The token was entered correctly (by the way, you shouldn't show it to everyone)?

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