ks_ks2013-11-18 13:08:21
ks_ks, 2013-11-18 13:08:21

Python for microcontrollers?

Who thinks about this - who might be interested in it and where applicable?
Will it be easy to get used to it, for those who do not know how and do not understand programming for microcontrollers, but know Python?
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3 answer(s)
Ten, 2013-11-18

From Python, only the syntax will remain there, and the syntax for MK is not the main thing.
What people don’t come up with so that they don’t write in C :)

Boris Syomov, 2013-11-18

It will end up being a very niche thing, like BASIC or Pascal are now available for some architectures. And in order to normally develop software for a more or less wide range of devices, this python will not work.
Accordingly, to delve into it, there will be little profit.
In addition, if you already have programming knowledge, it will be very easy to learn simple C syntax, and it is available for almost any controller. =)

Wissen Wissen, 2016-05-26

I think it’s worth doing something like this if you are a true fan of python and you’re going to screw it for the sake of screwing it =)

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