xSkyFoXx2013-03-24 17:05:40
xSkyFoXx, 2013-03-24 17:05:40

Python for Android. How to start?

I searched on Google and quickly got confused by the variety of links and product names.
Does anyone have experience writing android applications using python? Share your experience and a list of what to try and install?

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3 answer(s)
mysticmirage, 2013-03-26

Python for Android is quite brain-intensive.
I abandoned this idea, although sometimes I follow projects that show promise in this direction.
If you need to create games, then this is PyGame for Android - pygame.renpy.org
If you need business applications, then this is Kivy - kivy.org (their github is github.com/kivy/python-for-android )
Disadvantages of the first:
1. the project is not developed
2. it is focused on creating games
3. only arm-architecture
4. only one touch is supported
Advantages of the first:
1. lower entry threshold - easy enough to install (not without a tambourine, but easier than kivy)
2. a lot of documentation on PyGame itself, which can be used when developing
Disadvantages of the second:
1. requires support for gles 2.0 from the device (even for a simple interface)
2. pulls a library for building interfaces with you everywhere
3. you need to try to install all this stuff (cross-compilation and all that)
Advantages of the second:
1. any architecture supported by Android
2. the project is developing
3. multitouch support
4. uses the developments of PyGame for Android
Regarding sl4a - it does not allow creating separate packages - a separately installed Python interpreter is required. For this reason, I do not consider it.
In any case, you should be prepared for the fact that the package size will be at least 3 MB even in the case of HelloWorld - each application will pull an interpreter and a standard library with it.
It should be noted that this is not an analytical comparison - I noted those points that I paid attention to. Maybe things are different and I'm wrong - I don't use Python for Android in any of my projects, although I would like to.

Zerstoren, 2013-03-25

Today I attacked such a link lexpr.ru/python_for_android
I really can’t say anything whether it works now or not.
But the introductory instructions will probably help if everything starts up in the end.

j7sx, 2015-08-23


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