newaitix2018-03-01 18:09:15
newaitix, 2018-03-01 18:09:15

Pure mathematics. How to get seconds, minutes, hours from milliseconds?

html5 video player. I want to display seconds minutes and hours

video.duration // общая длительность ролика в миллисекундах
video.currentTime // текущее время ролика в миллисекундах

how all this (well, of course, I understand that something needs to be divided into something) that I can’t figure out how to what and to what. Help me please ))

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2 answer(s)
Andrey Tsvetkov, 2018-03-01

Something like this

function time2str(time) {
    if(!time || typeof time != "number" || time < 0) {
        return "00:00:00";
    var m = new Date(time * 1000).toISOString().match(/\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/);
    return m ? m[0].split(":").slice(0, 3).join(":") : "00:00:00";

To display the remaining time time2str(video.duration - video.currentTime)

Dmitry, 2018-03-01

divide and take the remainder starting with a larger value

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